The mission of the association is to identify, preserve, and develop the unique cultural values of Covasna County.
Similarly, it participates in social life, encouraging the involvement of youth in environmental activities and the development of cultural tourism, without discrimination based on race, gender, or ethnicity.
Its goal: to promote adult education and to support traditional old culture in Covasna County, as well as to facilitate the cultural integration of minorities.
Our objectives include collaboration with other cultural institutions, associations, and foundations.
At the same time, our aim is to contribute to the cultural, educational, economic, and social development of Covasna County, as well as to participate in shaping the local, county, and regional cultural strategy.
Since its establishment (2014), we have been actively supporting the local Roma minority: many of the participants in the camps organized by the association have been young people of Roma ethnicity, and their numbers are showing a continuous growth trend, significantly contributing to the achievement of our aforementioned goals and the formulation of new objectives, thus ensuring the sustainability of our organization.
Newest project
Like in fairy tales…
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Yarn and lace works

Folk dance

Painted kitchen furniture exhibition

Búzavirág folk dance group


Búzavirág folk dance group

Painted bathroom furniture exhibition

Búzavirág folk dance group

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Asociația “SIC-ART” Egyesület